So, the dream of an interplanetary train is finally a step closer to reality. Group of researchers at kyoto university in Japan announced recently that it is going to develop a rail transport systemin space for Human settlement on planets like Mars , Moon and connecting them to Earth.
How is it possible?
The researchers planning on creating artificial gravity. The transportation system dubbed as “Hexatrack”. Hexatrack means the track for train maintains a gravity of 1g during a long distance travel to lessen the effect of prolonged exposure to gravity, researchers proposed. The train will posses “Hexa Capsules” which are important Hexagon shaped capsules with moving device inside. It will be incomplete without the champagne flute like glass habitat which will help to send and host human on Moon and Mars.
The station is an integral part of transportation system. The station on Moon, named Lunar station will use Gateway satellite also known as teleport or hub, is a ground station that transmits data to and from the national fiber network to the fleet of satellites orbiting Earth. The station on Mars will be known as Mars station and will be using its own martian satellite Phobos. On Earth , the station will be known as Terra station.
Japanese researchers are hoping to present a simplified version prototype of Moonglass and Marsglass by 2050 (48 years later).But they also proposed that to make Interplanetary rail system operational it will take close to century. So to conclude our next generation will be able to take a Train to Mars.
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